Sunday, August 28, 2011

A change of pace

Just like the mind and the season changes, so does my blog. The summer has been full of museums, friends and fun! Like always, I could not compete with my promised challenge of 50 days of the 50s, but my hairstyles are ever-vintage-y puff, and my yearnings are still for those pencil skirts and pumps. I have decided to bring in the fall with my old obsession of thrifting!

Thrifting: the art of finding expensive things cheap; going green the real way; recycling the many things that we Americans need to get rid of; rummaging through a dusty store to find the treasures you can triumph-dance about, etc.

My family raised me to participate in thrifting and I have continued to thrift in my college years- even more so recently, limited by the college budget. 

So I declare this page to be the property of resale, the gloatings of a treasure-hunter and my personal way of rebelling against our consumer-consumed society!

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